Kunwar Bechain

Dr. Kunwar Bechain(1 July, 1942) is resident of Ghaziabad. He has dedicated his complete life to Hindi Literature. He has written a complete book on grammer of gazal. In addition of this huge number of books, magazines, articles goes in his credit list. On his stage with very simplicity he do the magic. Not even a single person from audieance can leave when he is speaking on mike, that’s his magic.

Our Team has years of experience in Organizing Kavi Sammelan, Mushaira or Stand Up Comedy show.

Our Coordinating Team will make the Best Kavi Sammelan Team as per your budeget and occasion. We have experience and expertise in organzing Corporate Kavi Sammelan, Holi Kavi Sammelan, Kavi sammelan for Religious events, Festivals, Family Functions, Stand Up Comedy show.