Munavvar rana

Kavi Munavvar Rana is a name who has written wonderful poetry in Hindi and Urdu. On stage he presents the poetry in very simple tone but power in tone is high that it directly hits the heart.
His poem on Mother “Maa” is world famous and on stage everybody wants to hear that.
In his basket he has many awards including Sahitya academy award on his poetry book, Shahdaba.
He is famous face in Kavi Sammelan and Mushaira all over the country and around the world.

Many more awards like Ameer Khusro Award, Mir Taqi Mir Award, Ghalib Award, Dr. Zakir Hussain Award and lot more are in his name.

Our Team has years of experience in Organizing Kavi Sammelan, Mushaira or Stand Up Comedy show.

Our Coordinating Team will make the Best Kavi Sammelan Team as per your budeget and occasion. We have experience and expertise in organzing Corporate Kavi Sammelan, Holi Kavi Sammelan, Kavi sammelan for Religious events, Festivals, Family Functions, Stand Up Comedy show.