Shabeena Adeeb

Shabeena Adeeb (27 Dec, 1974) has done MA in Urdu and you can see that education in her poetry. She conveys her message in every geet, gazal with very simplicity.
She is most popular and saught after poetes in Kavi sammelan. She is supposed to be the first choice for International Kavi Sammelan. Deep Voice of Shabeena Adeeb makes you freeze when she is not stage and you will enjoy the Gazal without thiking anything else.

Abdul Kalam Award
Begum Akhtar Award; 1999; Delhi
Hanswahini Award
Kanpur Gaurav Award
Mallika-E-Ghazal Award
Parveen Shakir Award

Our Team has years of experience in Organizing Kavi Sammelan, Mushaira or Stand Up Comedy show.

Our Coordinating Team will make the Best Kavi Sammelan Team as per your budeget and occasion. We have experience and expertise in organzing Corporate Kavi Sammelan, Holi Kavi Sammelan, Kavi sammelan for Religious events, Festivals, Family Functions, Stand Up Comedy show.


Saurabh Suman Jain

Kavi Saurabh Suman is a good example of Organizer, Manch Sanchalak and great performer on stage. He takes the mike to talk and recite about Patriotism and audience gets thrilled during his performance . He is from Meerut.

Our Team has years of experience in Organizing Kavi Sammelan, Mushaira or Stand Up Comedy show.

Our Coordinating Team will make the Best Kavi Sammelan Team as per your budeget and occasion. We have experience and expertise in organzing Corporate Kavi Sammelan, Holi Kavi Sammelan, Kavi sammelan for Religious events, Festivals, Family Functions, Stand Up Comedy show.